Former Berobe Property, Highway 515, McLean Settlement, St. Mary Parish, Kent County, New Brunswick, 2 acres or .8 hectares. With its fine southern exposure, this parcel has three hundred and sixty feet of paved roadfrontage on the north side of Highway 515. Power and telephone services are readily available at roadside. Depth on both the eastern and western boundaries is approximately two hundred and forty-two feet. Topographically the land is level and dry with a good mix of tree cover—abundant but not thick. This scenario provides many options for any future building considerations, especially for those looking for privacy. Located on the eastern side of the “postcard” province this quiet rural setting consists of well spaced homes and family farms. A half mile south is the Buctouche River which flows easterly as it widens and eventually empties into the Atlantic Ocean, twelve miles distant. To reach the property from the town of Buctouche, simply follow Highway 515 west through the small rural communities of Boisjoli, Maria de Kent, Ste-Marie de Kent and St. Cyrille to the property—one mile further southwest. Rich in Acadian history and pride, one is sure to encounter a warm greeting—another maritime tradition. Price $13,330.00, payable $1,980.00 cash with order and fifty monthly payments of $227.00 each, and interest; or $11,997.00 (being 10% off) if paid $1,998.00 cash with order and $9,999.00 within thirty days thereafter.
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